Lens Services provides a first class lens service and repair with a fast turnaround. Our experienced lens technicians have a vast range of skills and experience with HD/SD broadcast, professional, industrial and film lenses.
Our optical workspace is fully equipped, our experienced lens technicians have the skills and experience to take on most lens repair requests, and will always offer you the best guidance and repair service possible.
We have the skills to repair, service and test film and video lenses, as well as collimation and projection equipment, which enables us to service and repair lenses such as, Cooke, Canon and Fujinon Carl Zeis
Service is based on manufacturer specifications with precision test and alignment equipment. Only manufacturers’ recommended lubricants are used, cleaning agents and securing compounds, ensuring that your lenses receive the best treatment possible.
Impact Damage
Dropping gear on hard surfaces such concrete can be harsh on any electronics, but the good news
is that it is repairable, whether it is a cracked front element, bent bayonet, rings are not rotating smoothly, broken cosmetic parts. When we take the lens or camera apart we make sure that no shattered piecesor particles are floating inside, the lens, and all parts function as intended.
Sand Damage
Sand Damage can cause devastating effects on any Lens. Sand penetrating deep inside the systems through the rings. When inside, it seriously affects moving parts jam the rings, blur and stain your footage can also occur.
This is usually signaled by grinding, grating and cranking in the manual and auto controls. Sand salt trapped inside can cause friction among moving and mechanical parts. If the sand or salt has not caused permanent damage, you lens is defiantly repairable tedious work and time is required to clean and restore the unit.
Sea Salt
If you have salt contamination in your camcorder or lens, it may likelybe that there are also salt grains inside,
unfortunately salt can cause all of the damage mentioned earlier, and more. You can operate the lens with a sand incursion and live with annoying grinding sounds and malfunctions. However salt saturation is different. It will lead to rust, corrosion, oxidation, decomposition and decay of electronics parts and printed boards. Acting as a conductor, salt will sometimes shorts the circuits and cause many types of errors
Fungus Mold
Fungus or Mold on Lenses although fungus contamination happens most often in warm tropical environments, it can also occur under any humid and warm conditions. Fungus is most noticeable in the lens, where it may cause the image to look hazy. Fine strands may be noticeable crisscross lens elements. Eventually, fungus strands infuse spaces and surfaces within and between the lens assemblies. If it’s been growing for a while, heavier spots develop at the junctions of the strands. The fungus etches into the lens coating and eventually into the glass as well.
Water and Moisture
Water or Moisture exposure to water does not necessarily mean that lens is destroyed; we might be able to save the lens. Especially important is whether or not your equipment was operating at the time and the degree
of water damage. In such situations, our FREE repair estimate is an important option for you
Small Dust Particles
Small dust particles inside I have seen many optical lenses with some type dust particles inside good news as far as we could see it barely effects the shots and if does not for you might not want to warry about that for now.